Server Updates, July 19
Posted on Jul 19,2024 at 12:52
  • Fixed bug with tripple and double damage.
  • Fixed bug with reflect damage caused by tripple/double damage bug.
  • Added Golden Archer's lottery event in Devais near the PK pit. The first lottery draw will be on July 27.
Tripple damage PVP bug
  • Let say base damage is 1000, total tripple damage is 3000, the bug is only 2000 will be calculated with SD damage and 2000 (yes another 1000) will directly goes to HP. The reflect damage should be calculated from base 1000 damage but because of the bug reflect damage is also calculated from 3000.
Double damage PVP bug
  • Let say base damage is 1000, total double damage is 2000, 2000 is calculated for SD (correct) but the problem is 1000 will directly goes to HP (bug). The reflect damage should be calculated from base 1000 damage but because of the bug reflect damage is also calculated from 2000.