AGARTHA (eX 15 Plus) - Full Client Installer  - Jul. 24, 2024

Download Installer package from MediaFire Mirror

AGARTHA (eX 15 Plus) - Full Client  - Sept. 25, 2021

Download Zip package from MediaFire Mirror

Download Zip package from Google Drive Mirror


AGARTHA (eX 15 Plus) - Manual Patch  - Jul 24, 2024

Manual patch files to be extracted in your client in case the autoupdater failed to download patch files.


Required System Font

Download and install this font to fix the font problem of the client. Double/right click this font and click install.


  • Make sure to run mu.exe not main.exe if you chose to download the Zip package.
  • Make sure to set your DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for Windows essential and services only. System Properties >> Advanced Tab >> Settings Button >> Data Execution Prevention Tab